IOC Pivoting refers to a method used in cybersecurity for threat detection and analysis. IOC stands for Indicator of Compromise, which is any piece of data that can identify potentially malicious activity on a system or network. Pivoting involves using these indicators to uncover further related indicators, thereby allowing security analysts to trace the path of an attacker and understand the scope of a security incident.

Here’s a breakdown of how IOC Pivoting works:

  1. Identify an IOC: An initial indicator is identified. This could be anything from a suspicious IP address, a specific file hash, domain name, URL, or email address associated with known malicious activity.
  2. Analyze the IOC: The identified IOC is analyzed to extract additional information. For example, if a suspicious IP address is found, analysts might look at the domains associated with that IP or other connections made from that IP.
  3. Expand the Investigation: Using the information gathered from the initial IOC, analysts look for other IOCs. This might involve checking logs, databases, and other sources for related activity.
  4. Pivot to New IOCs: Each new IOC found is then used to pivot further. For example, a discovered domain might lead to finding associated email addresses or additional IP addresses.
  5. Map the Attack Chain: By continuously pivoting from one IOC to another, analysts can map out the attack chain, understanding how the attack unfolded, identifying all compromised systems, and determining the methods used by the attackers.
  6. Mitigate and Prevent: The information gathered through IOC Pivoting helps in creating effective mitigation strategies and improving defenses to prevent future attacks.

This process is essential in advanced threat detection and incident response, as it helps in uncovering the full extent of an attack and understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by cyber adversaries.

Paul Bergman
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